[DBpedia-discussion] Call for Participation - 9th DBpedia Community Meeting in Galway
Sandra Praetor
2017-05-16 13:11:36 UTC
Call for Participation
** 9th DBpedia Community Meeting in Galway **

We are happy to announce that the 9th DBpedia community meeting will be held in Galway, Ireland on June 21st 2017. DBpedia will be part of the Language, Data and Knowledge conference (LDK) in Galway. This new biennial conference series aims at bringing together researchers from across disciplines. The DBpedia Meeting is part of the conference and is scheduled for the last day.

LDK extended the Early Bird registration! But you have to be quick. Early Bird tickets are available only until tonight. If you are interested, register here: http://ldk2017.org/index.php/local-info/

* Highlights Community Meeting *
- Keynote by Brian Ó Raghallaigh, Dublin City University & Logainm
- DBpedia Association hour
- A session about Irish Linked data projects (and DBpedia)
- Tell us what cool things you do with DBpedia: https://goo.gl/wsnuqT
- DBpedia Tutorial Session (For people who want to learn about DBpedia)

* Quick Facts *
- Web URL: http://wiki.dbpedia.org/meetings/Galway2017
- Hashtag: #DBpediaGalway17
- When: June 21st, 2017
- Where: National University of Ireland, Galway (University Road, Galway, Ireland) and Portershed (Eyre Square, Galway)
- Call for Contribution: Submit your proposal in our form https://goo.gl/forms/hTPLzC8SUMqextMw2
- Registration: Free to participate but only through registration (Option for DBpedia support tickets) https://goo.gl/FFQDow

* Sponsors and Acknowledgments *
- Language, Data and Knowledge 2017 (http://ldk2017.org/)
- ADAPT research centre (http://www.adaptcentre.ie/)
- ALIGNED Project (http://aligned-project.eu/)
- Institute for Applied Informatics (http://infai.org/en/AboutInfAI)
- OpenLink Software (http://www.openlinksw.com/)
- PorterShed (https://www.portershed.com/)

In case you want to sponsor the 9th DBpedia Meeting, please contact the DBpedia Association via ***@infai.org.

* Organisation *
- Tatiana Gornostay, TILDE
- Rob Brennan, ADAPT research centre
- Felix Sasaki, DFKI GmbH
- Bianca Pereira, The Insight Centre for Data Analytics
- Caoilfhionn Lane, The Insight Centre for Data Analytics
- Jimmy O'Regan, ITUT, Trinity College Dublin
- Julia Holze, DBpedia Association
- Sandra Prätor, DBpedia Association
- Sebastian Hellmann, DBpedia Association and AKSW, Uni Leipzig

Best wishes and see you in Galway

Julia and Sandra
on behalf of the DBpedia Association

DBpedia Association

Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI)
University of Leipzig
Hainstrasse 11, 04109 Leipzig

phone: 0049 341 9732355
email: ***@informatik.uni-leipzig.de
slack: sandrapraetor
skype: praetorsa
